Tiffany Black Tiffany Black

day 34

You always remember your first time. No, not that first time, forced upon us by a patriarchal narrative. The other one. Your first big O. Sexual experimentation / self love/ wanking whatever you want to call it, even now is still quite a taboo topic for women. Men, on the other hand are allowed to have strong sexual appetites and are far more at liberty to discuss sex and wanking, (who hasn’t heard at least one sore wrist or tissue related joke) without shame, or being labeled an ‘over sharer’.

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Tiffany Black Tiffany Black

day 5

I’ve been thinking a lot about control today. Who gets a say in how we express ourselves, especially within our sexuality. How old were you the first time someone said your outfit was inappropriate? I was 11 or 12, the first time I was catcalled, sexualised without even having had my first kiss.

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