
40 days and 40 nights

un/ satisfied

I’ve always been someone driven by impulse, so who would I be if I didn’t have that? I’ve decided to launch a one-woman mission, for 40 days and 40 nights, I’ll take away the wanting. I’ll deny myself caffeine, chocolate, alcohol and sex (yes, even masturbating and considering I just bought myself a BRAND NEW vibrator it’s going to be pretty tough.) Then, the 40 days after, I’ll gorge myself on all those things. From unsatisfied, to satisfied spinning from the first 40 days to the next. It’s a total experiment.

I don’t really know what’s going to happen next, but I really hope you’ll come along for the ride.

Send me a voice note and let me know how you’re feeling on all things food, sex, body and brain related at the moment. It can be on whatever you want and will be anonymous, but if you’d like to you can give a little intro about yourself :)